Watch Dogs 3 Consumer Product Guide
DeadSec are returning with the third instalment of the WatchDogs franchise nearing it’s 2020 launch. Far from the broad, wind-swept avenues of Chicago or the glistening colours of the Bay Area- WatchDogs 3 hops the pond and tells DeadSec’s story in the most heavily monitored city on the planet, London.
Ubisoft has lovingly captured the UK capital’s most culturally significant sites, spots and boroughs- complete with the slickers, hipsters, freaks, felons and other creatures that make up the labyrinth of London. Fluid was asked to build the core consumer products launch kit. We looked to focus on the iconic elements of London that tied into the core game aesthetics. It was a celebration of Ubisoft's vision of London under digital tyranny and activate the Watchdog's universe at retail.